Leelou Blogs

The Fritz Family

The Fritz Family
Our Latest

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Brighton's 5th Birthday

Happy Birthday Brighton!

Getting ready to enjoy his Hot Wheels themed birthday party!

Brighton loved the cake I made for him.."It's just like I always wanted" he says

Nothing Like an Empty pool to keep kids entertained
while we waited for more guests to show.

Playing a game of Musical Chairs. Congrats to our winner Berkeley Kirkham
(in the front there between the two girls) who received a special prize!

Pull string pinata....great invention, quick and easy and fair for everyone!
The kids loved it!

Time to open presents!

Darn wind kept blowing out the candles, so we had to light each one and
let him blow them out separately before the wind got to them.

Opting for a green apple sucker instead of cake and ice cream...whatever Brighton!
It's your birthday!...
....Although he did have cake and ice cream later.

Thanks to everyone that came and for all the fun gifts and toys!
We had a total of 12 kids there and I lost track of the grand total.
Brighton had so much fun and was still wound up until 10:00
that night playing with all his new wonderful toys!