Lilly was a cow(unless you ask her, then she was a horse)
My friend dared me to dress up with the kids, she lent me this spider witch costume. I actually had a lot of fun with it, except my dress kept getting caught in the heel of my 3" stiletto boots I had to wear with it since the dress was so long and I'm a shorty.
I took the kids to the local pumpkin patch and let the each of the kids pick out a pumpkin as well as one for me and Leo to decorate. They had a blast pushing(and being pushed) in the cart and finding the best pumpkins.
Our pumpkin creations although Lilly's had a little mis-hap so it's not shown here.
From left to right: Leo's, Liz's and Brighton's which he drew the face but had a little help cutting out.
Brighton's favorite animal lately has been the elephant so he begged and begged for an elephant costume(which wasn't easy to find by the way, but that's what we do for our kids).
He had fun pretending to be a baby elephant that swallowed a boy.