Leelou Blogs

The Fritz Family

The Fritz Family
Our Latest

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Phoenix Trip

We had a great time visiting with Todd and Tanya's family in Phoenix. It was so great that the kids are so close in age. They all got along so well and just enjoyed being together as cousins and friends.

It was so nice to spend time with cousins and friends and get away from our long lasting cold spring and enjoy some warm Phoenix weather for a weekend.

Enjoy the pics!

Tate was so generous in sharing his power wheels with Brighton and Lilly, and they had so much fun 4-wheeling around the yard!

Lilly and Taylee each pretty much kept to themselves but I think they just enjoyed having another girl around to relate to.

The kids and I enjoyed a cool refreshing swim in the pool. I think Brighton would have stayed in all day if we had let him...he kept asking to get back in the whole time we were there.

Our thanks goes out to Todd, Tanya, Tate and Taylee for showing us a great time in Phoenix and for their warm hospitality. It was definitely a trip worth repeating in the future.
(After our baby is born and it's less than 100 degrees in Phoenix again of course.)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Visits with Grammi and Papa

Mother's Day Visit

Random Play Date at Grammi and Papa's