Leelou Blogs

The Fritz Family

The Fritz Family
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Montana Thanksgiving That Wasn't

Quick Story:
We were supposed to go up to Billings to have a nice early Thanksgiving Dinner with Leo's dad and step-mom...The kids and I went up a couple days ahead of Leo since he had to work, well, come the morning of our Thanksgiving celebration, Leo got called into work and missed his flight. On top of that Mari got very sick and spent most of the day in bed, unable to spend anytime with the kids and I. And just to add to our mayhem, the turkey just WOULD NOT cook so what we did have for dinner were things prepped the day before and potatoes and gravy...basically it was a vegetarian thanksgiving that was missing one of the main hosts. We did have missionaries and a friend from Dan's work join us too, so the whole day was labeled. "The Thanksgiving that Wasn't" The kids and I flew back home that night...the turkey still wasn't done by the time we left.

Kids' Photo Shoot @ Papa Dan and Mae Mae's house

Being on a tight budget we set up a small photo shoot for the kids for their Christmas pictures at Papa Dan and Mae Mae's house during our "Thanksgiving That Wasn't" trip

Getting Lilly to stay on her seat was the hardest part. She thought it was hilarious to run toward the camera.

Then getting her to smile was a chore...She just did not want to cooperate.

Finally we got a couple nice ones.

This was the best we could get of the two of them....Lilly refused to let Brighton touch her or put his arm around her in anyway.

Brighton was just goofy. He loves his picture taken, but gets pretty cheesy about it.

This one melts my heart!

Silly boy!