Leelou Blogs

The Fritz Family

The Fritz Family
Our Latest

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tyler's Blessing Pics

Thanks Aunt Noni for making such an adorable outfit for him!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Baby Fun!

Posing as a model for my friend

Goofing around while trying to get his picture a the few smiles we've seen yet.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Family Photo Shoot

 We had a bit of a tricky time getting Brighton to look half way serious with a smile..he's just such a goofy kid, but we love him dearly!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Please Welcome Our New Arrival

Tyler Scott Fritz 
July 25, 2011
6 lbs 4 oz
19.5 inches 

We're pleased to announce that Tyler joined our family on July 25 at around 3:00 pm.
He is perfectly healthy and was released from the hospital just 20 hours after birth.
Mommy and Tyler are both doing great and he is adored by his older brother and sister as well as the many loved ones that surround him.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lagoon Day


Ever since Leo started working at Lagoon the kids have been begging us to take them to play there so we finally got a chance to take them on Leo's employee friends and family day.

They didn't want to do any of the rides at first but as the day progressed they got more adventurous and had a ball!

On the Wild Kingdom Train

Baby Boats, the mildest ride there but the first one I was able to get them on.

Brighton was all too excited to drive the cars and loved it, Lilly didn't know what to think at first, but later on in the day she wanted her own car and loved it!

Surprised that Brighton wanted nothing to do with the Merry-go-round but Lilly insisted on it and it was the one thing she wanted to do that Brighton didn't...just kinda funny to me. I thought she would want to be on the horses since she loves horses so much, but after seeing the tiger on the train ride she wanted the tiger the most, and then the kitty cat when she went on with Daddy.


The kids really got into the kid sized water slides...I tried but after this big belly went down a couple times I was DONE!
Leo made up for it by going down over and over and over and over with them...good times!

More rides, fun and excitement.

Lilly was brave enough to try the roller coaster with Daddy,
but didn't quite know what to think of it

We stayed until the park closed and I think it was quite a successful day and
very grateful to Leo for taking they day off his busy schedule to spend with was great quality family time.